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P K Patel MD
Lip Moisturizer: Lip Balm / Chapstick / Vasoline
Nasal Care:
Nasal Saline / Salt Water Rinse
Afrin Spray and Cotton
Oral Care:
Hydrogen Peroxide
Mouth Wash - Anti-gingivitis
Baby Tooth Brush
Syringe / Water pik if you have one
Vitamins with Mineral
Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil, etc..) 200mg tablets/ capsules
Tylenol Extra strength 500mg/tablet
Pill Crusher
Facial Swelling:
Ice Packs with Jaw Support
Frozen Peas
Ice water and wash cloths
Diet (3-5 days)
Sport drinks
Protein Shakes
Oat meal
Baby foods
Turkey/ Bulb baster
What to have on hand...
Please be prepared
Do not wait until the last minute
Make sure you try the drinks
ahead of time for taste. If it tastes bad before the surgery it will taste bad after the surgery.
Expect to loose 5 to 10 pounds.
The hardest part the first 3 to 5 days will be keeping the mouth clean and getting fluids in. You will need a syringe with some force to clean the mouth and a squeeze bottle (baster) to get the food in.
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